Friday, November 01, 2013

The Privatization of Childhood

Lately when I've been driving our kids to evening practices I've been lamenting the privatization of childhood. When I was a lad you could be on a sports team or practice an instrument mainly by staying after school. Now instead of all of us putting our funds in a pot and making these things accessible and keeping our evenings largely free, we have slimmed back public school, trimmed down the arts and sports, and made it so you have to have money and time to burn all over town just so your child can play and practice with the other kids. And if your child is good at something, wow is it going to cost you to give them opportunity to play at higher levels.

1 comment:

Mama Bean said...

Have you watched Jon Stewart's interview with Diane Ravitch? ( the extended interview is here) She just wrote a book about this very thing!!
