Monday, April 18, 2011

Recently "Published"

An essay I gave at an Oxford Postgraduate Conference last fall has now been published online as part of an e-book of sorts at the Oxford Research Archive. My friend Martin's essay is chapter seven, and mine is chapter eight, called "Once for All and New Every Morning: Forgiveness in the Theology of Miroslav Volf and Karl Barth." If you follow the link you can download it from the sidebar on the right. Since Volf got me into reconciliation theology and Barth has kind of taken over, this essay tracks a bit of that journey and shows me wrestling with some of the finer issues involved as they relate to the conference theme, which was "The Present Moment".

I continue to welcome your thoughts on the Rob Bell review. If anyone would like an unofficial but reformatted and slightly more succinct version in a Word document, drop me an email at coutts dot jon at gmail dot com, as I do have one available. I also would be willing to present these thoughts more formally or lead discussion on these matters in the Canadian C&MA context in the coming year.


Kampen said...

Congrats on the publication! Besides Bell and Barth, have you given any further thought/reading to Yoder in regards to your dissertation?

Jon Coutts said...

Let's put it this way. If Volf led me to Barth, quite possible when it comes to ecclesiology and ethics, Barth led me to Yoder.

Maybe that's hyperbole to some degree, but I really think if there is a trajectory of thought from Barth's ethics of reconciliation then Yoder's For the Nations and Body Politic capture it for me. I need to formalize my thoughts on this, but thus far those are my instincts based on my reading of those works in particular.
